Friday, January 19, 2007


art shouts
against a far rock
send them
back to me.
Have my stars alligned for now?
seems like the love i give has found its way home
this up pendulum feels nice
will it be as good as last year was difficult?

Good news from the NY Times today:

★ OLIVER HALSMAN ROSENBERG: ‘DADA FOR GRANDMA,’ through Jan. 28. Mr. Rosenberg conceived this show of a dozen lovely, small gouache paintings with references to the zodiac, the Kabala and Egyptian and Hindu cosmology as a tribute to his grandmother Yvonne Halsman who died last year. She was the wife of the Dada photographer Phillipe Halsman, and Dada zaniness has its part in the show. The artist has turned the paintings into an ingeniously low-tech “prayer wheel” set into motion by the visitor pedaling his grandmother’s exercise bicycle. Mr. Rosenberg, a founder of the alternative space Triple Base in San Francisco who is, with Clint Taniguchi, half of the collaborative Crust & Dirt, has other drawings in a box at Triple Candie, worth a look. Little Cakes, 625 East Sixth Street, Apt. 1B, East Village, (646) 342-1056. (Cotter)