Tuesday, July 01, 2008

1 month left!

I have given up so much in the past 2 years...learned so much...
Those spaces I've created are now being filled back up from the inside out...
tomorrow is my birthday...33...but I feel like I'm growing younger
so much love right now...so much acceptance of what is ~with a smile...
I never saw myself living in NYC again, and my 6 week layover in 2006 has turned into a 2 year journey...
Where am I going? -I can tell you through November, but after that..I'm just not certain...
Many places call me ...India still (but not as strongly), ...the Amazon (to work more with the shamans)...
But honestly, what excites me the most is the space created in not knowing...not trying to alter the flow of life towards my fancies, rather just to be present in it... I'm reading this amazing Andre Gide book right now _Fruits of the Earth_, and there is a quote in it where he says something like: god is not in the object, rather god resides in the loving of the object...
So regardless of what life brings us, where life brings us, that connection is always present, within our selves, and when you can feel your heart bloom like a flower, absorbing the light that surrounds us, drinking in the bliss, growing stronger and lighter from it, its a beautiful thing...


  1. parabens!!!! feliz aniversario!~!!!! beijos, gi

  2. I met Philippe and Yvonne Halsman at Key West, Florida in 1953. He was on assignment for "Life" magazine and his photograph of Terry Moore appeared on a cover in 1953. I was with him on the beach when he took the photo and have a picture that he took of Terry Moore and me. Both Philippe and Yovonne went fishing with us a few times and I took a number of photographs. I visted him in New York and have correspondence from him from 1953 until he died in 1979. I never met his daughter Irene but I did meet Jane and remember how competitive she was when we played ping-pong in the studio. I have a "jump picture" he took of me when he wanted to make sure all of his equipment was ready when he appeared on the "Jack Paar Show" that night. Over the years he gave me a lot of good advice and I feel honored that I knew both of your grandparents.
